Thursday, August 05, 2010


As I continue to clear the clutter off my desk, finding scraps of paper with various notes and quotations, memories return as well!

From Dietrich von Hildebrand: “We must have an unconditional readiness to change in order to be transformed in Christ.”

When I was a child the Sisters of Charity, who taught in the parish school, had us commit to memory a simple prayer, rooted in the Gospel, a pray which indeed opens us to the ‘unconditional readiness’ of which von Hildebrand speaks: Jesus meek and humble of Heart, make my heart like unto Thine own!

This brings me to another of my priest-heroes from my youth, Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val.

Born into an aristocratic family in 1865 he would live through the turbulence of the late 19th century and the early 20th century, becoming a priest in 1888, Archbishop in 1900, Cardinal in 1903.

He would serve the Church in various countries and in high office, for example as confidant to and Secretary of State for St. Pius X.

In all the years of his priestly life, the holy Servant of God, whose cause for canonization is progressing, was accustomed to pray ardently for humility, for constant “unconditional readiness” to be ever more fully “transformed in Christ.”

Having found again the litany here below amidst the clutter of my desk, it is high time I begin praying it again!

The Litany of Humility

O Jesus meek and humble of heart, Hear me.

From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the desire of being loved, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the desire of being extolled, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the desire of being honored, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the desire of being praised, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the desire of being preferred to others, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the desire of being consulted, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the desire of being approved, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear of being humiliated, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear of being despised, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear of suffering rebukes, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear of being calumniated, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear of being forgotten, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear of being ridiculed, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear of being wronged, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear of being suspected, Deliver me, Jesus.

That others may be loved more than I,

Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

That others may be esteemed more than I,

Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

That in the opinion of the world, others may increase, and I may decrease,

Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

That others may be chosen and I set aside,

Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

That others may be praised and I unnoticed,

Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

That others may be preferred to me in everything,

Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

That others may become holier than I, provided that I become as holy as I should,

Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

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