Jesus conquered death by His death on the Cross, that death
no longer be an end, but the beginning of eternal life in the embrace of
communion of love with the Most Holy Trinity.
Jesus tells us: Do
not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God still, and trust in Me. There are
many rooms in My Father’s house; if there were not, I should have told you. I am
going now to prepare a place for you, and after I have gone and prepared a
place for you, I shall return to take you with Me, so that where I am you may
be too. You know the way to the place where I am going…I am the Way, the Truth
and the Life. [Jn.14: 1-7]
Today in Canada the Supreme Court struck down laws which
prevent assisted suicide/euthanasia, though the decision is stayed for twelve
months to allow parliament to, or not, re-write law regarding end of life.
The Psalmist says: Yea,
though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,
for You are with me…..[Ps. 23: 4]
Every human being by some manner: gently in their sleep
because of extreme old age, perhaps not so gently due to a particular illness,
and yes in traffic or plane crashes, work accidents, drug overdoses, murder, in
war, all of us someday, at some hour, will die.
It is Jesus whose redemptive death and resurrection assures
us the valley of death is a walk-through, a doorway into eternal life.
Some seventy years ago, having cost the lives of close to
fifty million men, women and children in the death camps, through the bombing
of cities, among that number the lives of close to twenty-five million military
dead, World War II came to an end.
This massive bloodletting on the Allies side was in response
to the death-dealing machinery of the Axis Powers reducing human beings to a
disposable commodity in the lust for power, conquest, and ethnic dominance.
What have the so-called victorious, mainly at that time, Christian
countries, achieved since that, clearly now pyric, victory over evil?
Made marriage through divorce a serial affair and no longer
a lifelong sacred vocation; enabled the prevention of new life being conceived through
various unnatural means; blithely slaughters the pre-born person by the
millions through abortion; by verbal and legal fiat assumes God [nature for
unbelievers] cruelly creates male and female persons, but either out rightly in
the ‘wrong’ body or more frequently men and women choose physical relations
with their own gender to the point where without blinking an eye they allege ‘marriage’
– revealed in its disingenuousness by the clamour of the same people to be
allowed children through surrogates or by adoption creating an ersatz ‘family’
and now, the logical next step of people and nations who have abandoned any
pretence to be truly disciples of Christ, true adherents of the Gospel of Life
assisted suicide/euthanasia is becoming slowly but surely the norm in a culture
of death, a civilization of darkness.
One alone is the Lord and Giver of Life.
In the 4th Preface in Masses for the Dead the
Church prays and proclaims: …it is at
Your summons that we come to birth, by Your will that we are governed, and at
Your command that we return, on account of sin, to that earth from which we
Both birth and death are ‘one ofs’, we are born once and die
True we can be born prematurely, we often erroneously say
someone has died before their time, meaning simply grief at the unexpectedness
of it, and, we can experience ‘clinical’ death, such as cessation of breathing,
heart beating, but for a very, very limited in minutes length of time within
which we can be resuscitated, but such an event is not actual death.
Birth, because we are created in the image and likeness of
God with immortal souls is an eternal beginning.
Death is the definitive end of the life of the body in its
current form.
The soul never ceases to exist.
In the general resurrection we, that is those graced with
heavenly life, will be given a new body.
What form will that body have is unknown other than we can
be sure such a body will be flawless, never endure any form of pain or death.
Since death is a once only reality no one asking to be put
to death, which is the unvarnished reality of assisted suicide/euthanasia, can
possibly truly know what they are asking.
In truth what is being asked for, pushed forth by those
young and healthy enough in the main to push yet another aspect of this ‘my-way-all-about-me-relativistic-instant-gratification-gerneration’
is for cessation of pain which, subjectively they deem to be too much.
We have lost the ability to clearly understand the
distinction between pain and suffering.
Pain is mostly the impact of some physical experience: a
cut, a broken limb, ravages in the body caused by some allergic reaction or
other disease while suffering, while it is commonly a component of certain
pains, can occur without physical pain, such as the intense suffering of grief
over the death of a beloved one, loss of employment or some other loss or
Dentistry, when I was a boy, compared to today, was rather
primitive. Nowadays with various pain suppressants, different types of
equipment, such as high speed drills, lasers, pain, and suffering as well, is mitigated.
More critically advances in anesthesia and surgical procedures
have greatly reduced pain and suffering when it comes to treating sick persons,
while hospice care assures comfort and companionship for the terminally ill and
of course proper use of pain medication is not merely morally acceptable but
comes also within the realm of charity towards one’s neighbour.
Where things become muddied and immoral is rooted not simply
in a society addicted to relativism around life and the sacredness thereof, but
also in a blatant refusal to understand the reality of suffering and its
meaning, especially for we the baptized.
The fundamental universal purpose of every human life is to
come to know the God of whom we are beloved and to strive to live according to
His loving will for us.
This is deeper and more completely revealed within Christian
life through baptized discipleship in Christ and is briefly summarized in these
words from the Fourth Canon of Holy Mass: ….that
we might live no longer for ourselves but for Him who died and rose for us, He
sent the Holy Spirit from You, Father, as the first fruits for those who
believe, so that, bringing to perfection His work in the world, He might
sanctify creation to the full.
In his 1995 encyclical The
Gospel of Life, St. John Paul teaches and reminds us that: At the other end of life's spectrum, men and women find themselves facing
the mystery of death. Today, as a result of advances in medicine and in a
cultural context frequently closed to the transcendent, the experience of dying
is marked by new features. When the prevailing tendency is to value life only
to the extent that it brings pleasure and well-being, suffering seems like an
unbearable setback, something from which one must be freed at all costs. Death
is considered "senseless" if it suddenly interrupts a life still open
to a future of new and interesting experiences. But it becomes a "rightful
liberation" once life is held to be no longer meaningful because it is
filled with pain and inexorably doomed to even greater suffering…..Furthermore,
when he denies or neglects his fundamental relationship to God, man thinks he
is his own rule and measure, with the right to demand that society should
guarantee him the ways and means of deciding what to do with his life in full
and complete autonomy. It is especially people in the developed countries who
act in this way….. In this context the temptation grows to have recourse to
euthanasia, that is, to take control of death and bring it about before its
time, "gently" ending one's own life or the life of others. In
reality, what might seem logical and humane, when looked at more closely is
seen to be senseless and inhumane….. Absolute respect for every innocent human life also requires the
exercise of conscientious objection in relation to procured abortion and
euthanasia. "Causing death" can never be considered a form of medical
treatment, even when the intention is solely to comply with the patient's
request. Rather, it runs completely counter to the health- care profession,
which is meant to be an impassioned and unflinching affirmation of life….
…I confirm that euthanasia is a grave violation of the law of God, since
it is the deliberate and morally unacceptable killing of a human person. This
doctrine is based upon the natural law and upon the written word of God, is
transmitted by the Church's Tradition and taught by the ordinary and universal
Magisterium… [op. cit. paras. 64: 1,2,3; 89.3; 65.4]
Finally I know of no better teaching on human suffering
than St. John Paul’s Apostolic Letter of 1984 On The Christian Meaning of Human Suffering.
The Holy Father in paragraph 19 teaches us, reminds us
that: One can say that with the passion
of Christ all human suffering has found itself in a new situation….In the cross
of Christ not only is the Redemption accomplished through suffering, but also human suffering itself has been
redeemed……In bringing about the Redemption through suffering, Christ has also raised human suffering to the level of the Redemption. Thus each
man, in his suffering, can also become a sharer in the redemptive suffering of
I read some episcopal statements recently, and today, on
the whole matter of doctor assisted suicide/euthanasia and, frankly, I find
them weak, overly focused on laws and politicians.
We need, all
of us priests and bishops, lay people, to become rooted in reality that the
satanic clamouring of the enemies of the Gospel of Life and the Civilization of
Love drown out such rather vague, moralistic statements.
Instead we
should be teaching in pastoral letters, from the pulpit, in parish study
groups, in our families the Gospel of Life, drawing on the treasury of truth
and wisdom found in the papal teachings referenced here, in the Catechism of
the Catholic Church.
We need to
awaken our brothers and sisters, perhaps even ourselves, before our entire
civilization somnambulates so far along we fall over the edge into the
depthless pit of everlasting loveless darkness.