Chapter 16 of Revelation is not for the faint of heart, nor
for those of arrogant heart, for it details, albeit replete with symbolism but prophetically
nonetheless, what will – not might but will – befall humanity if we fail to repent
and change our ways: the experiences of Divine Justice Wrath culminating in the
battle between evil and good, light and darkness, life and death in the place
called Armageddon.
A reader after the last post asked me to explain why I think
“we could have another world war in these times”.
There are two reasons, multi-layered: 1] Political cowardice
and 2] Universal/Personal sin.
1] Political Cowardice:
In the late thirties in the lead up to Hitler’s invasion of
Poland, Mussolini’s aggression in Africa, Japan’s in China and eventually at
Pearl Harbour, political leaders among the former allies from WWI were great at
issuing statements, ‘red lines’ if you will while progressively the Axis
Powers, led by Hitler, slaughtered their own people and moved aggressively,
again with much loss of life, against their neighbours.
Stalin’s Soviet Empire, until turned against by Hitler, took
as much as possible while sending hundreds of thousands of people to the Gulag
and earlier starving millions of Ukrainians.
When Hitler sent his armies into places such as Rhineland,
in violation of the Versailles Treaty, crossing a line not unlike the ‘red line’
Syria crossed, the political cowardice of world leaders simply emboldened
Hitler: so Austria and the Sudetenland were taken over – world leaders, lead by
Chamberlain, caved in.
Obama caved on Syria, he and most G7 leaders, [only the
Prime Minister of Canada has actually gone to Kiev to show solidarity with the
people of Ukraine], are less than definitive, dare I say powerful, in their
stand against the bully Putin.
This weak response, to date, is little by little emboldening
others throughout the world who lust after the land, resources, and people in
their neighbourhood.
When the Soviets tried to starve West Berlin into submission
the Allies reacted and flew in needed supplies clearly telling the Soviets to
back off.
Under the first President Bush when Kuwait was invaded a coalition
of nations, including Arab countries, quickly came together and dealt with the aggressor
and liberated Kuwait.
No one wants another world war but we could have one by
attrition in the sense that allowing Putin/Russia to seize and hold onto the
Crimea not only will embolden Putin to grab more but tells the Iranians and
North Koreans, no worries if you develop nuclear weapons, or if by use of ‘conventional’
force you Iran take over Iraq or you North Korea take over the South – no worries,
we G7 and others will throw our verbal temper tantrums, but no worries que sera,
Once Obama backed down when Syria crossed the red line and
used chemical weapons on its own people this was not only for the President but
for the world a Munich/Chamberlain moment.
I believe we have very little time to reverse that cowardice
before Putin/Russia, at least with conventional arms, starts shooting, trying
to gobble up more of former soviet republics or somewhere else in the world one
nation starts shooting against another.
Soft sanction diplomacy in the late 30’s was the gateway to
the blitzkrieg that destroyed Poland and most of Europe and fired up the ovens
of the death camps, enabled the destruction of Pearl Harbour, the rape of
Nanking and the use of atomic weapons.
We stand on the cliff’s edge.
2] Universal/Personal sin:
Just the other day Pope Francis, speaking directly to the
Mafia, warned them: "This life that you live now
won't give you pleasure. It won't give you joy or happiness……Blood-stained
money, blood-stained power, you can't bring it with you to your next life.
Repent. There's still time to not end up in hell, which is what awaits you if
you continue on this path."
Actually those words apply to any nation,
clan, tribe, family, individual who puts self before all else.
Increasingly our nations are morally
bankrupt, our political leaders, on the national/local level, reveal a power-hungry
cowardice that caters to noisy self-interest groups and blithely agree to
legislative pernicious assaults on the unborn, marriage, family life, faith
life, both in the public square and privately, seeing it as justifiable to
allow government agencies to become ever more powerful and intrusive.
Leaders are supposed to lead but
increasingly our leaders follow, based on poll-taking, which is often of
dubious provenance.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
teaches us the truth that: Sin is present in human history; any attempt to
ignore it or to give this dark reality other names would be futile. To try to understand
what sin is, one must first recognize the
profound relation of man to God, for only in this relationship is the evil
of sin unmasked in its true identity as humanity’s rejection of God and
opposition to Him, even as it continues to weigh heavy on human life and
Thus when we try and explain sin away, as
is so common today by reducing everything to physco-babble, chemical imbalance
excuses [granted sometimes mental or physical unchosen conditions are at play]
is to totally chose blindness to the reality of sin as a will choice and thus
ignore the fact:…that man has a wounded nature inclined to evil… [which]…gives
rise to serious errors in the areas of education, politics, social action and
morals. [407]
When a nation such as Russia invades, intimidates,
captures other human beings this is sin of commission.
When other nations do nothing, or not
enough to protect and rescue our brothers and sisters, this is the sin of omission
akin to that committed by those who walked by the beaten man in the ditch. [Lk.10:29-37]
All sin, weather committed alone or with
others on the personal/universal level, is fundamentally to chose not to love
authentically God, other, self.
Thus Jesus, in detailing the Last Judgment,
makes the emphasis on concrete acts of love for other, which reveal authentic
love of God and self.
This is also how nations shall be judged.
These are the “I was” teachings, the “and
you” teachings, as found in Matthew 25: 31-46.
“I was hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked,
sick, in prison.”
Jesus in the peoples of North Korea hungers
for food and freedom from oppression, in the homeless of our cities for food
and shelter, acceptance as persons; Jesus in the peoples of so many countries
thirsts for drinkable clean water, water to irrigate the land, in abused women
and children thirsts for dignity and an end to the horror of abuse; Jesus in the
peoples of the refugee and migrant camps of the world experiences the pain and
rejection of being a stranger seeking welcome in a homeland, and in the lonely
of this world, in the discriminated against Jesus is the stranger seeking
acceptance as a real person; Jesus experiences the naked vulnerability and
horrors of human beings ensnared in human trafficking, living in places
controlled by drug lords, being a bullied child in school; Jesus from the concentration
camps of North Korea, to the isolation of Gitmo, to the reality of a prison
cell occupied by actual criminals is all merciful and, having Himself been a
prisoner, tortured and executed, denies solidarity with no one, irrespective of
the crime, such as the thieves crucified with Him, one of whom repented and received
fullness of mercy. [Lk.23: 39-43]
All sin begins as a personal choice NOT to
All goodness begins as a personal choice TO
National sin, social sin, group sin, is the
common cause of individual sinners to engage together in evil which spreads, poisons,
destroys with the speed of a computer virus and the lethality of Ebola.
National goodness, social goodness,
communal goodness is the common cause of actual human persons in solidarity of
love feeding, giving to drink, welcoming, clothing with dignity, healing,
visiting and faster than any computer virus, more definitively than can be
fully grasped, overcomes the darkness of indifference, hatred, fear, cowardice,
hesitation by overwhelming with Christ’s own love all evil and this is true
repentance, true turning away from the shadows of death into the life of the
Risen One.