Friday, December 07, 2018


                                    WAR AGAINST AND WITHIN THE CHURCH

Since 1963 on the BBC, and seen in countries around the world, the science fiction series Dr. Who has the main character travel through time and space in a TARDIS.

The TARDIS is smaller in its exterior than in its interior, which appears to be an expanse of a seemingly infinite numbers of rooms and other spaces.

An apt symbol of the Church, for mostly people see the small, limited exterior: the particular building in which we worship, the various church institutions, religious orders, etc., rarely entering the infinite expanse of the Church, to which we can apply that which Jesus says of His Father’s house, our heavenly dwelling place: My Father's house has many rooms…[Jn.14:2].

Various things such as a hurricane, a fire, a bomb can destroy a church building, while a dearth of vocations to the priesthood, Christ centered marriages and families leads to diminished participation in Holy Mass, leading to the closing of parishes.

The sins, past and present of popes, bishops, priests, religious, laity can, have, do, likely will, wound the exterior reality of the Church.

Thus, it is vital, when reflecting upon the war against and within the Church we keep within and before our hearts: …the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. [Mt.16:18].

That as Christians we suffer, like Jesus, in union with Him, should come as no surprise, nor cause us to have anger or lack of compassion for those who persecute us in anyway: “But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for He makes His sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust”. [Mt. 5:44] {cf. also: Lk.6:28; Jn. 15: 18-20; Mt. 24: 1-36}

No Christian is persecuted alone.

 Jesus is with us: He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” He said, “Who are you, sir?” The reply came, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” [Acts 9:4-5]

It is not just within the human family in general, within individual families, nations, between nations, where anger, hatred, violence seem to predominate in our day. This is reality, this is the reality of war within the Catholic, Orthodox, Protectant Churches and between the Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants as well.

Because Christ welcomes sinful, wounded human beings as members of His Mystical Body the Church on earth it is a stark reality that the blemishes, the sins of the members splatter upon the face of the Church.

Thus aided and abetted by satan, there are those who, within and without the Church, are always on the lookout for reasons to disparage the Church, to reject Christ, to ignore the Gospel.

This stark reality is not new.

It has been part of the reality of the Church, both the reality of external persecution and internal divisions, since shortly after Pentecost!

By way of example: a reading of the Acts of the Apostles shows both internal sins and divisions, miracles and the transforming of lives through proclamation of the Gospel; the book of Revelations shows both a glorious future for the Church on earth and in heaven, and admonitions from the Holy Spirit about weakening of faith and other internal issues, words applicable in our own day; during the first nearly four centuries of the life of the Church while thousands of Christians were being martyred, thousands of men and women went into the deserts to lead lives of penance and prayer either as hermits or in community and thus came about, through these Fathers and Mothers of the Desert, the establishment of contemplative life which, more than two millennia later, still flourishes; persecution by intimidation draconian laws, and by blood continues also to our day, yet throughout the millennia we have also seen, and see in our own day with the formation of new religious orders and communities of consecrated lay faithful, to care for the sick, the poor, all those who come to the field hospital of the Church; we also have seen, from the Great Schism, to the Reformation and also a seemingly unending  procession of individuals ‘founding’ their own ‘churches’ that sadly millions of souls are cut off from the fullness of sacramental life, which only can exist, such as in Roman and Orthodox traditions, where Apostolic succession has not been broken.

Be it attempts by feudal lords or modern governments to hamper the Church, or evil regimes such as the Communists, Nazis, Islamic terrorists, to try and destroy the Church by martyring Christians, , no matter the seriousness of internal divisions or the sins of Her members, clergy and lay alike, the Church, because She is the Mystical Body of Christ on earth and is guided and constantly vivified by the Holy Spirit, experiences the truth that, as Tertullian said: The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church. Also animated by Holy Spirit the Church constantly embraces the grace of metanoia, conversion of heart.

She emerges from all persecutions and scandals, renewed and holier.

It is too easy, indeed a from of spiritual laziness, to excuse our own tepid faith, living out of the Gospel, or abandoning Catholic faith and praxis, by blaming the sins of others, clergy or lay.

Every personal sin wounds the entire body of Christ.

We cannot point the finger at anyone, for as Jesus challenges to self-assumed righteous seeking to have the woman caught in adultery stoned to death, who of us is pure enough to cast a stone at the Church, at anyone?

St. Benedict, founder of Western Monasticism, began something which established not just profound spiritual growth within Christianity but cultural foundations which led to the growth of villages, then towns, then cities, universities, hospitals, literature, science, art.

Rod Dreher, in this book THE BENEDICT OPTION, urges a re-discovery of this great treasury not simply by the Catholic Church but by all Christians, noting that: As our civilization seems to be going the way of the Roman empire, more Christians among its nations are asking themselves – and one another – how to be latter-day St. Benedicts who preserve the living faith that gave birth to our own civilization amid empire’s fall. They are awakening to and claiming the powerful truth conveyed in this saying: “Tradition is not the worship of ashes but the preservation of fire.” [2]


2] cf. p. XIX, The Benedict Option, Rod Dreher, Sentinel 2018

© Fr. Arthur Joseph 2018

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