powerful scene from the film version of The Lord of the Rings, the Two Towers,
comes to mind as a metaphor for the war we are in, a war which is simultaneously
visible and invisible, the invisible aspect being the more dangerous.
In the
scene referred to, with the focus on King Theodon, as his aide dresses the king
with armour, and the King begins his soliloquy, scenes of the advancing enemy
and of the king’s people preparing for battle, alternate with the speech in
which the most heart wrenching line is: “How did it come to this?” [1]
the extent of anger, hatred, violence, disorder, anguish, fear, increasing loss
of hope within the human family, indeed, “How did it come to this?”
It has
come to this, today and throughout history, because Adam and Eve listened to
the evil one. It is all there in Genesis chapters 3-4.
We are
all bearers of the wounds of original sin.
This is
the origin of how, universally in the human family, it has come to this.
late Greek philosopher and theologian, Paul Evdokimov, stresses, when it comes
to human freedom, a gift willed by God for us, this freedom is at its most
‘titanic’ as the ‘power of refusing God’. He also stresses that “The hand
extended towards Christ never remains empty” [2]
John Paul II teaches us that: The
analysis of sin in its original dimension indicates that, through the influence
of the "father of lies," throughout the history of humanity there
will be a constant pressure on man to reject God, even to the point of hating
him: "Love of self to the point of contempt for God," as St.
Augustine puts it. Man will be inclined to see in God primarily a limitation of
himself, and not the source of his own freedom and the fullness of good. [3]
Pierre Manet asserts that the word for this reality in which we are now living
is war [4], this is certainty
accurate as connected to the revealed truth the enemy of God, the hater of
Christ, the father of lies, is indeed at war with us, because he and his
minions lost the original war, lost their attempt to destroy Our Lady and Her
Holy Child Jesus: Rev.12.
Catechism teaches the gravest of satan’s works is the seduction leading to our
disobeying God: The power of Satan is,
nonetheless, not infinite. He is only a creature, powerful from the fact that
he is pure spirit, but still a creature. He cannot prevent the building up of
God's reign. Although Satan may act in the world out of hatred for God and His
kingdom in Christ Jesus, and although his action may cause grave injuries - of
a spiritual nature and, indirectly, even of a physical nature - to each man and
to society, the action is permitted by divine providence which with strength
and gentleness guides human and cosmic history. It is a great mystery that
providence should permit diabolical activity, but "we know that in
everything God works for good with those who love Him." [5]
armour King Theodon wears for the battle is as tissue paper compared to the
armour we are vested with in Baptism: Finally,
draw your strength from the Lord and from His mighty power. Put on the armour
of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the
devil. For our struggle is not with
flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world
rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens.
Therefore, put on the armour of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil
day and, having done everything, to hold your ground. So stand fast with your
loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate, and your feet
shod in readiness for the gospel of peace. In all circumstances, hold faith as
a shield, to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet
of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. With all
prayer and supplication, pray at every opportunity in the Spirit. To that end,
be watchful with all perseverance and supplication for all the holy ones….[Eph.
6: 10-18]
aspect of how it has come to this in our own day, within the human family, in
our own lives, comes from how we choose to dialogue within our selves, the
thoughts and images, the imaginings, we fill our minds with, all these setting
the stage for emotions that often lead to external words and actions.
It is a
salient truth that we become what we contemplate. Our primary contemplation
should not be the self, nor any other human being for such contemplation
inevitably leads to distorted notions of self and other. Rather the one we
should contemplate is our Divine Lord
and God, the Divine Lover of whom we are the Beloved, by trusting Jesus’ word: “….the kingdom of God is within you.”
classic 16th century work, by Fr. Lorenzo Scupoli, titled UNSEEN
WARFARE, eventually came to the attention of St. Nicodemus and St. Theophan the
Recluse, who read and endorsed the work, assuring we have this important source
for understanding the reality of the war we are engulfed in, and must do battle
in: Self-love and high opinion of
ourselves gives birth in us to yet another evil which does us grievous harm;
namely, severe judgement and condemnation of our neighbours….This evil habit or
vice, being born of pride, feeds and grows on pride; and in turn feeds pride
and makes it grow…..[6]
To be
in a church with stained glass windows, when the sunlight is pouring through
those windows, is to be our selves permeated by the multi-coloured light and
beauty. External darkness cannot penetrate any window if there is light within
the church, home, any place.
cannot see darkness. What we see is the absence of light.
there is darkness within us it is because we have rejected the light of Christ
within us and invited darkness, a.k.a satan, to take abode within our beings.
Evagrios the Solitary reminds us that: …all
thoughts producing anger or desire in a way that is contrary to nature are
caused by demons. [7] True enough, however these thoughts of darkness
cannot penetrate us, nor displace the light within us unless we freely choose
to become fixated on dark, evil, bent towards self thoughts rooted in pride and
disdain for our brothers and sisters. The
resulting dialogue with self becomes communication with satan, rather than
conversation with the Holy Trinity. The resulting cacophony within us drowns
out the voice of God, indeed it becomes ever more difficult to hear Jesus
knocking at the door of our being, that He might have leave to enter and
cleanse the temple of our being. If we refuse to recognize His knock at the
door, refuse to welcome Him in to heal and restore us, then sooner or later, by
word and deed, we will give external expression to all the arrogant hatred and
violence within us.
If we
ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten and teach us, He will help us see that we are,
each of us, members of the one human family. Diverse of colour, language,
It is the heart that helps us discover
the common humanity that links us all…The free heart frees others. [8] Such a heart is offered to us by Jesus:
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. [Mt.
11:29] It is our baptismal vocation to be burden bearers for one another: Bear one another’s burdens, and so you will
fulfill the law of Christ. [Gl. 6:2] …..we, though many, are one body in Christ
and individually parts of one another. [Rm. 12:5]
weight of the current reality-war, of so much anger, loss of faith, disruption,
immorality, causing such pain within the human family, should not discourage
us, not cause a loss of hope, for we are baptised into, live within Christ’s
victory in His Passion, Death and Resurrection.
Let us recall that the way of human
maturation is the course of love itself, which goes from receiving care to the
capacity of offering care, from receiving life to the capacity of giving
life. To become adult men and women
means to be able to live the spousal and parental attitude, which manifests
itself in the various situations of life, such as the capacity to take on
oneself the burden of another and to love him without ambiguity. Therefore,
it’s a global attitude of the person that is able to assume the reality and is
able to enter into a profound relationship with others. Who, then, is the
adulterer, the lustful, the unfaithful one? It is an immature person, who has
his life for himself and interprets situations on the basis of his own
wellbeing and his own contentment. [Pope Francis Oct.31.18]
images of the power of one person, fictional admittedly, yet symbolic, and one
person in ‘real life’, as the saying goes, stand as example of what we, in
union with Christ, can accomplish: The first is Gandalf, standing on the stone
bridge, confronting the creature from the deep, and declaring: “You shall not
pass!” [9] In his song-poem, Democracy,
Leonard Cohen starts with: It’s coming
through a hole in the air From those
nights in Tiananmen Square [10]…an
event perhaps not remembered by many, but vivid still for those of us old
enough to have watched it unfold, one man, standing in front of a column of
tanks, no weapon other than his personhood, his whole being saying “You shall
not pass.” [11]
© 2018~Fr. Arthur Joseph
Lord of the Rings the Two Towers film ~ 2002
cf., The Struggle With God, Paul Evdokimov, Paulist Press, 1966
DOMINUM ET VIVIFICANTEM, On The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Church and the
World; Part II – The Spirit Who Convinces the World Concerning Sin; 3. The
Witness Concerning the Beginning: the Original Reality of Sin, 38.2; St. John
Paul, 1986, Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, 1996
[4] op.
cit. Beyond Radical Secularism, Pierre Manet, St. Augustine’s Press, 2016
[6] cf.
Unseen Warfare, p.197, St. Valdimir’s Seminary Press, 2000
[7] cf.
The Philokalia, p. 19, Faber and Faber edition, 1979
Becoming Human, p. 86; Jean Vanier, House of Anansi Press, 2008
Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Rings, 2001
Democracy, Leonard Cohen, 2011
worth watching this event of June 5, 1989: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=man+before+the+tank+in+tiananmen+square&qpvt=man+before+the+tank+in+tiananmen+square&view=detail&mid=D26AB74E2069D73F6A21D26AB74E2069D73F6A21&&FORM=VRDGAR
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