Monday, November 05, 2012


I gaze upon the golden orb
Full in night sky
Mirror of sunlight and ponder a mystery,
Okay a curiosity I have had since childhood!
When as a Little One Yourself You first looked up
At night, at stars at whose creation You were and called each by name,
Remembering their names, and they see You child on earth
I know they danced for You
Seeing among them, so huge and radiant the far distant orb
Sending such gentle moonlight upon Your Holy Face as creation’s kiss
Of love and gratitude,
Of what did you think?
Did Your heart move, was Your being comforted as mine was
The years I would trudge through snow deep forest after dusk
A hardened logger youth
Each shaft of moonlight elongating shadow trees, turning the snow beneath my feet
As far as eyes could see into fields of diamonds,
I wonder when You walked the earth and in deepest night sought the lonely place,
The mountain top, to commune with the Father,
Did the gentle moon send soft light to keep You company?
Of what did You and He speak those myriad moonlight nights?
I know of only one snippet from one occasion of Your conversation
Under the moon of the Garden of Your agonizing love for Him, for us, for me.
Were the golden shafts of light extra gentle that night, did they turn Your blood-sweat
To glistening rubies?
Yes my sins mined those rubies from Your body and Your heart
Yet You turn in the moonlight and Your eyes glisten with love as You hand them to me as gift
Saying in the moonlight: “All will be well.”

1 comment:

kam said...

Father, I must admit that I've yet to grasp fully your beautiful comments in your latest post. But I really don't need to know, for at the end I was filled with peace.